
Big day on Wall Street. My portfolio has hit All-Time Highs (Again) @ $20,124. Basically I have doubled my portfolio in LESS than 3 Months (CRAZY). My portfolio is only supposed to be up about $15,000. Im probably going to still stick with these ETFs.
The DBA ETF up 4% my options position on DBA up 67%
DBA Postion:
OPT +3 APR 08 40C up 80%
OPT +2 APR 08 41C up 50%
Total 67%
The DBC ETF was up about 1.5% but my options position is up 210% +$2,310 (Amazing)
DBC Position:
OPT +11 APR 08 36C up 210%
The DBP ETF up about .5% but the options position is down about 4% ($53)
DBP Position:
OPT +1 JUL 08 31C

See for your self
Great job!. Pretty impressive returns. I will keep your blog on my watch list. I run a covered call blog at over at calls4income.blogspot.com. Check it out if you get a chance!
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