Gooooo Dawgs Sic em
In order to acquire a passport for the first time one would need to visit one of the 9000 acceptance agencies, which include post offices, federal, state, and probate courts, some libraries, and municipal offices. You will need to visit one of these agencies with 2 photographs of yourself, proof of U.S. citizenship (which may be either a certified birth certificate or previous passport). If you chose to visit you local post office the cost will be approximately $120 for passport book and card if over the age of 16 (acceptance fee-$25 and application fee-$95) the fee for the 2 photographs at most places is around $15.
For travel into China not only do you need a passport but a visa is required to be in possession which has to be obtained by a Chinese Embassy or Consulates. In order to obtain a visa the potential traveler will have to visit the nearest Chinese Embassy fill out the application for one of the seven types of visas, and pay $130 apply for the visa and $10 to receive the visa. A traveler has to have a visa in order to gain attendance into China.
No vaccinations are required for U.S. travelers entering into China but some are recommended which include Typhoid Rabies, Japanese encephalitis, Hepatitis B, and Hepatitis A.
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