With the Employment report showing unemployment rising higher than expected and job creation slowing, thoughts of recession are floating around. No important economic reports come out next week so fears of recession should be the "status quo" when traders think about the economy.
So with that report, I have selected Group 1 Automotive (GPI) (Auto Dealership) since consumers will think less of getting a new car (as seen with the auto sales report) and adding unnecessary touches to their vehicle Autozone Inc (AZO) (Auto Parts Store). Vacations will get thought about less, Ameristar Casino Inc (ASCA) (Resorts and Casinos) and less money at the store, Wal-Mart Stores Inc (WMT) (Discount Variety Stores).
I threw in Analog Devices Inc (ADI) (Semiconductor Broad-line) and Tupperware Brands Corporation (TUP) (Packaging and Containers).
I have 6 positions and I tried to keep each one around $1000, they all have sell stops that trigger when the position is up 20% in value. I tried to put in some credit spreads but when I analyzed them they weren't as profitable as outright buying puts. Sorry about having all the picks bearish but I couldn't find any stock that I would like to buy besides an ultrashort etf.
So my positions read:

+4 AZO Jan 08 110 Put (AZOMB)
+15 ASCA Jan 08 25 Put (UWTME)
+13 WMT Jan 08 45 Put (WMTMI)
+13 TUP Jan 08 30 Put (TUPMF)
+8 GPI Jan 08 22.5 Put (GPIMX)






Great Trades
I am trying to learn more about trading and I had a few question about what you do...
What trading platform do you use that allows you to put in the 2nd order to sell out of your position? Is that the same as a stoplimit order?
Also, how are you able to buy and sell the same option in the same day? Wouldn't that violate the Pattern Day Trading rules if you do not yet have 25K in your account?
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