Thursday, January 3, 2008

Reached 20% in first week Week 1 Update 3

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Today I came home opened up my trading platform and saw that the last picks went over their targets so I sold off the remaining positions (NFS) (CUZ) (WRI). The value of the portfolio has increased 20 percent in the first week, hitting the target for the month, but I still will place trades. Look for me to use credit spreads or to sell short options.

NFS 9% (Sold below 20 because the other positions went over the minimum)
CUZ 31%
WRI 28%

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Anonymous said...

See, if you were a real trader such as myself, you'd try and turn $1600 into $1mil! Grats on your 20% 3 day gain. At least someone's having their own Santa Claus rally. BTW, TOS is by far the best platform for us options folks out there. I can't believe I had traded for almost 4 months without them.

52weekHi said...

Well I want to do it within 2 years

yea tos is alright i learn something new about it everday

Anonymous said...

Same here. The shadowtrader chat is pretty useful. It's always nice having more experienced folks, at least in my case, able to help you out when you need it.